We encourage you to submit your abstracts and join us in Apeldoorn for an interactive celebration and exchange of ideas!

Poster presentations

Poster presentations are visual displays, usually combining text and graphics information. Posters should be relevant to the congress and concern research or a project related to Centering-based group antenatal care, Centering-based Child health care (Parenting) or any other Centering related part of health care. We encourage the use of photographs and/or pictures. If possible display a QR-code that will take visitors to the relevant website or YouTube video. Posters will be displayed at a central place at the Venue.

As we will also be organizing an interactive event to highlight the posters, we expect the poster presenter to be present during the Centering-based Congress. Specific information regarding size and mounting requirements will be provided with the notice of acceptance. Accepted posters must also be provided in an electronic format / pdf  to be displayed in the (E-) abstract book and on the Centering group care foundation website.

The word limit for poster abstracts is 300 words. Abstracts need to be clear and must address:

  • What did you do
  • Why did you do this
  • What did you find
  • What is your take home message
Submit Abstract here

Abstract submission will close on 1-10-2022 at 24.00 hrs. CEST

Register now for the international Centering congress!

Register for Congress here